Board Games for Dogs!
Dogs love to play. Whether its fetch, tug-of-war, hunting down concealed treats, or anything else, dogs love having fun just as much as humans do. Some dogs even invent their own games, like bringing you a toy and then running away before you can take it, hoping to lure you into a chase. Or hiding one of your shoes somewhere right before you have to go to work!
People love games too, of course— sports, video games, and classic card and board games. Our need for entertainment isn't all that different from our dogs' need for it, we just go about playing in a different way. But what if you could combine human games with dog games to get something truly unique that is the best of both worlds? How about board games for dogs?
This may bring to mind a funny image of a group of pups sitting around a table playing Monopoly, but in fact, there are board games specifically for dogs and their human pals to play together! These games are a lot of fun for both you and your dog and are also a great way to get in some training and quality bonding time. Check them out: