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Shipping Policy

5/6/2024 by FBD

Shipping Time -- Most orders received will ship within one to two business days of receipt of the order, provided the product ordered is in stock or is not a handmade or specialty item. Shipping time for those items are noted on the particular item. Orders are not processed or shipped on Saturday, Sunday, or US holidays.

Orders that have reached the FREE shipping tier ships the most economical shipping method available. For FREE shipping, please expect shipping times to be between 5-7 business days. Once an item leaves our facility, unexpected delays by the carrier occasionally occur. Please consider any shipping or transit time offered to you by Five Barking Dogs! or other parties only as an estimate. We encourage you to order in a timely fashion to avoid delays caused by shipping or product availability.

If you need an item more quickly, we suggest using another method of shipping such as USPS Priority Mail. Shipping times for this method are between 2-3 days. Add a couple of days if you've placed your order after 2PM on Friday, or on the weekend or a major US holiday. Please note that some items ship exclusively via UPS. These items are noted on their product descriptions.

As always, Five Barking Dogs! strives to provide you with the best possible experience, at the lowest possible cost. Please give us a call if you have any questions about our shipping policy.

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