We always try to make sure that you are receiving the best price around but, sometimes, you might find the exact item from another online retailer at a price that is lower than ours. If that's the case, don't worry, we'll match it. Just give us a call or click on the Customer Service link. In the Contact Us form, select the Price Match Guarantee department, put the product name in the Subject line and a link to the product from a competitor's website in the body of the form. We'll check it out. If we find that to be the case, we'll provide you with a discount code that will give you that lower price. (Discount codes must be used within 24 hours of the time issued.) If you've already purchased the item and you find a lower price, not to worry. We'll refund you the difference between what you paid and the lower price as long as you contact us within 24 hours from the time of purchase.
What qualifies?
Your product may be eligible for price matching if it is:
- Identical to the competitor's product in:
- brand
- model number
- color
- condition
Some of our manufacturers require us to sell their products at a certain minimum price (called the Minimum Advertised Price or MAP). We cannot match a competitor's price on MAP-priced products if they are being sold below MAP.
If you have any questions about our policy, please give us a call or send us an email.